Monday 6 August 2012

Hello to My Self

Hello, this is February 2012, a very cold winter
Where are you – how close are you
To the dream that I wanted so bad?

Here, I’m still falling and crying again
I’m hurt and tired and have no strength to get up
But you would probably see me and smile

Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you comfort me, saying don’t cry?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you tell me that I can do it?
Hello hello – don’t cry – Hello hello – get up

How are you – how is it to fulfill your dream?
Doesn’t it hurt when you pinch yourself?
Or is it sometimes boring because it’s become a normal routine for you?
If you ever get lonely and tired, will you remember me, who used to dream here?

Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you think of me here and smile?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you be happy to the point where your heart overflows?
Hello hello, smile – Hello hello, just like that

Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you think of me here and smile?
Hello to myself hello to myself
Will you not forget me, who used to dream?


Pertama kali denger lagu ini pas lagi melampiaskan nafsu buat nonton drama korea. Ceritanya sih cukup sederhana dan punya cerita yang hampir sama kaya drama-draa korea yang sering muncul belakangan ini. Klo diperhatiin, lagu ini emang kelihatan galau. Tapi di luar itu menurut aku lagu ini justru bisa bikin built up lagi. Cukup ngasih pelajaran tentang bagaimana menghargai mimpi dan bagaimana sembuh dari rasa kecewa karna kegagalan. "Hello to my self." Rasanya seperti kita mencoba memanggil diri kita sendiri. Di mana saat kita merasa sudah tak ada lagi yang bisa kita jadikan tumpuan untuk bertahan, diri kita lah satu-satunya jawaban. So, mungkin lagu ini bisa membantu sebagian orang yang merasa "jatuh" untuk discover from weakness..

Hello to My Self.

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